I have a query regarding my boat, what should I do?
Click here to be taken to our Customer Care page.
What colour is my GRP RS Sailing boat?
Click here and select the ‘Gelcoat Colour by Sail number’ link.
What is the Portsmouth Yardstick Number for my RS boat?
Click here to be directed to the RYA’s 2020 List
Where can I find the rigging guide for my RS boat?
All our latest rigging guides are downloadable from here.
Where is my nearest RS Approved Repair Centre?
Click here to find your nearest Repairer or Dealer.
I can’t remember my login details for the RS Sailing Store?
Click here and follow the steps to gain access back to your account.
How do I return unwanted, damaged or faulty goods?
Click here to view our returns policy.
How do I purchase accessories and replacement parts?
The best place to buy accessories and replacements parts for your RS Dinghy is online at the RS Sailing Store. If you need any help or advice just get in touch with our Customer Care team.
Rigging your boat for the first time? We recommend pliers or a shackle key, a sharp knife, a small flat head screwdriver and PVC electrician’s tape.
Sail Care
Wash salt off sails after use and dry. Roll from the head. It is easier to fold the head in so the top of the battens coincide before starting rolling. Store sail in its bag in dry conditions away from sunlight. Although the sail is made from a quality high denier fabric it is best to slightly slacken the top 2 battens’ tension for long term storage. When using a new sail for the first time, try to avoid extreme conditions as high loads on new sailcloth can diminish the racing life of the sail. If your sail is stained in any way, try to remove it using a light detergent and warm water. Do not attempt to launder the sail yourself. A sail can be temporarily repaired using a self adhesive cloth tape, such as Dacron or Mylar. The sail should be returned to a sail maker for a professional repair. Check for wear and tear, especially around the batten pockets, on a regular basis.
Adjusting your battens
Check the inboard ends of the battens are positively located in the inboard plastic end fitting. To tension, turn the key clockwise until the cloth becomes just tight. If it is over tightened you will have trouble tacking the head of the sail in light weather. Insufficient tension and the sail will set up too flat with wrinkles running down from the head.
Spar Care
Wash with fresh water as often as possible, both inside and out. Check all of the riveted fittings on a regular basis for any signs of corrosion or wear.
Fixtures & Fittings Care
All of the fixtures and fittings have been designed for a specific purpose in the boat. These items may break when placed under any unnecessary load, or when used for a different function to their intended purpose. To ensure optimum performance, wash the fixtures and fittings with fresh water regularly, checking shackles, bolts, etc. for tightness.