Written by the RS Aero Class Association
RS Aero World Championship 2023
to include the
RS Aero Youth World Championship 2023
LNI Sulcis, Calasetta, Sardinia, 26-30th July
ENTRY IS OPEN! Entry, Full Info and Notice of Race; https://www.rsaerosailing.org/index.asp?p=event&eid=2477
Calasetta stands on the island of Sant’Antioco off the south-western tip of Sardinia, a town with fascinating history, traditions, maritime cuisine and dream beaches…..and the sailing is fabulous! The fast growing RS Aero fleets in Sardinia and the Italian mainland, together with the idyllic location for international visitors, makes our 5th World Championship set to be a fantastic event!
Racing will be hosted by Lega Navale Sulcis, held over five days with up to 14 races in the open but protected luscious waters off Sant’Antioco. There will be racing in four fleets, RS Aero 5,6,7 & 9, with the Youth World Champs, Womens’ and Masters’ categories contested from those overall results.
Charters – The booking of Charter RS Aeros needs to be prioritised to distant long-haul travellers, which means those outside Europe.
Transport from UK – RS are planning a lorry to take RS Aeros from the UK to the Worlds for UK owners. More details to follow soon. Please initially register your interest in that by confirming by email to me; Peter Barton <manager@rsaerosailing.org>
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