Our RS Classes are at the absolute heart of the RS community. RS Sailing grew into the brand it is today because of our passion to create world-class racing classes that revel in having as much for on the water as they do on shore.
One of the ways we’ve ensured the continued growth of our classes is through RS Demo Fleets and supplying charter boats for some of our RS Classes showcase events. From World Championships, Team Racing Championships, Keelboat Leagues, and so many more, we manufacture and supply over one hundred RS boats a year to bolster the growth of our classes and communities.
So what happens to these boats and kit once they’ve been chartered or used for demonstrations? We sell them to customers who are looking for that new RS feel without the same price tag, from sails and rigs, to entire boat packages with a full spec list. Our ex-charter boat stock is distributed globally. We try and reduce our carbon footprint by not shipping charter boats back from events so ex-charter stock is held by our local dealers and back here at RS HQ.
With a year-round calendar of global events and demos to support we have Ex Charter and Demo boats available to buy now or reserve for later in the year, giving you the chance to get your hands on this barely used kit at a fantastic price.
Which fleets do we have charter stock for?
- RS Tera
- RS Feva
- RS Aero
- RS Venture SCS
- RS21
How do you get your hands on these offers?
Get in touch with your local RS Dealer to find out about pricing and immediate availability.
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