The RS Venture Connect Para Sailing System has been nominated for a DAME Design Award. The DAME Design Award is the largest marine competition of its kind, anywhere in the world. It focuses attention on the art and science of design in all aspects, from styling, functionality, and innovation, through to ease of implementation and practicality of use.
The DAME is judged by a panel of top naval architects, boat, interior, and industrial designers, plus user experts. To win a DAME Category and then to attain the ultimate prize of DAME Award Overall Winner is widely recognised as having reached the pinnacle of design practice for marine equipment.
The Para Sailing System is a conversion kit that enables a standard RS sailing dinghy to be converted for most disabilities including para sailing. The revolutionary yet simple plug and play kit fits onto a standard RS Venture dinghy and provides total engineered adaptability to convert the boat for most disabilities.

It includes a rechargeable battery and control pack, powered captive mainsheet winch, joystick control and sip-puff headset option. The system is linked and connected using IPX7 watertight plugs and cabling. The design is focussed on providing a waterproof, simple to use system that exceeds the challenging demands of the small boat sailing environment and yet be a cost-effective investment for any sailing school. The watertight, rechargeable battery pack and control box is removable for charging in the club house. IPX7 fast-fit connectors are installed throughout the system. Power reserves are more than sufficient for a full day of sailing. The standard aft hatch is substituted for one that carries a mounted waterproof drive that connects to the twin rudders of the Venture dinghy.
A waterproof joy-stick both controls the rudders and also enables the mainsail to be trimmed in/out. A captive winch system, enclosed in a watertight housing, operates using 3D printed limit switches to eliminate over sheeting and the optional sip-puff headset integrates easily with the system steering controls. The system covers a full range of para sailing needs and means the boat can be configured to suit virtually all disabilities.
We are incredibly proud of The RS Venture Connect Para Sailing System, to find out more about Scanstrut’s innovative products please click here and to find out more about the RS Venture Connect Para Sailing System please click here.
The awards will be announced late November 2017, watch this space!